Friday, July 21, 2006

Another reason why I love my husband...

Last night, approx 10:15 pm. We are laying in bed, drifting off to sleep, when I feel Cory jab me in the shoulder...

Me: Did you just poke me?

Cory: I did. I was just seeing if you were still here, I thought you may have passed on.

Me: What would you do if I did?

Cory: I'd collect the insurance money, put an apartment in the basement and rent it out, work part time, and raise our daughter.

Me: Hmmmm.

Cory: You don't like the sounds of that?

Me: I've just resolved to never die.

Cory: Well I'm sure I'll die before you. And you know, I hope I do, because then I'll never have to deal with the pain of losing you.



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

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