Thursday, July 27, 2006

Needless to say...

Nothing out of the ordinary ended up happening on Monday. And believe me - I was keeping my eyes peeled for ANYTHING that seemed like the teeniest tiniest opportunity of which I could take advantage and add some excitement to the week.

I gave my notice at work, and the response to this was less than positive - much much less. I don't understand - it's a business, not a cult (or is it?). This negative reaction has made the past few days at work unreasonably stressful. But, surprisingly enough, I am very happy and excited about my new career opportunity and really can't wait to begin.

In fact, all of the sudden I've been empowered by a new energy and creativity which has resulted in some 'fresh' graphic design and ideas for projects at home.

This is a boring post.

There are no dead rabbits in my yard. But we have found two dead chipmunks on our property, and one down the street. For a little while, I felt like I was in one of those low-budget sci-fi movies where something has 'landed' or 'surfaced' in the small town and it's residents are finding bizarre clues indicating that something is going terribly, terribly wrong. And this IS kind of like that...let me back-track.

On the north side of our house, exists a garden lush with hostas and hydrangenias. In between the foilage, a family of chipmunks had dug their den and made their home. We'd often seen them cutting across our backyard and dodging onto our elderly neighbour Helen's property. One night, while outside supervising Evelyn's meanderings, we ran into Helen on her driveway. She was holding a large container of peanuts, and calling to the chipmunks and feeding them - practically out of her hand.

Evelyn delighted in this- and Helen went on to say that she regularly fed the chipmunks and they were quite tame etc etc. So here is this old lady. Living alone, taking pleasure in feeding her furry little friends.


She sprayed her lawn with toxic herbicides and pesticides.

I think you can figure out the rest.


Anonymous said...

OMG What is wrong with people? Those poor little chipmunks

Anonymous said...

She did WHAT?
Oh, that is just so wrong. WRONG!

Maybe it's time for C to go have a little eco-friendly chat with her.

Poor little chipmunks :(

(oag - short and cranky)

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