Saturday, November 25, 2006

Hands free

I've freed myself from the restrictions of the traditional purse and moved on to something that says "HEY - I'M ALL ABOUT FUNCTION". It's a wallet, it's a camera bag, it holds my lunch AND Evelyn's necessities....."

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


We are all sick and my throat feels like the desert. Cory and I had NO energy last night to entertain Evelyn, so we went to the mall and let her run around looking at everything.

Her favourite store was Sport Check - where she actually took a pair of children's ski's, sat on top of them, and tried to ride them like a sled. Cory was so excited - but then slightly disappointed when he learned that the smallest size ski boot is a 12. Evelyn is a 5. Now, I can't recall how kid sizes work so I have no solid estimate on how long it will take her to get to a 12 - but looking at the boot, I would say at least 2 years.

At least we'll know what to get her for christmas the year her feet are a size 12.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Well put...

Beauty of whatever kind, in its supreme development, invariably excites the sensitive soul to tears.
~ Edgar Allen Poe~

Monday, November 06, 2006

There's nothing quite as appetizing as this...

So. Cory is upstairs putting Evelyn to bed and I decide to take a moment to download pictures from the new and improved camera. I hear this bang bang bang on the door that makes me kind of afraid to go and look to see who it is - because you know, we have a doorbell and IT didn't ring. SO I peek around the corner and see the neighbour's dog, so figure it's safe to answer the door.

It IS the neighbour. Standing out there, at the god-forsaken hour of 9pm, wielding two zip lock bags in each of which resides a thawed bloody roast.

"Want to buy some meat? A friend of mine got a deal! Catch can't refreeze it".

Ummm yeah. I want to buy some meat. I also want want to spend the next week glued to the toilet with my head in a bucket puking my guts out.

Catching up

It's been a while since I've found the time or the inclination to write anything semi-personal on this blog. The truth is - it's been a crazy few months! We're busy trying to complete (most of) the main floor before Christmas. While there is still a lot of work to do, we can now see it coming together - which is very rewarding. (Maybe next summer we'll do the basement? Or maybe we'll buy a few thousand trees and plant them at the farm? So much to do).

My personal journey to become a complete person continues (as it does, because the moment you stop trying is the moment you become less complete). It's amazing, when you get into the habit, how clearly you can reflect on yourself, your life, your actions, your reactions - and the insight it gives you into other people.

My new job is fantastic. I really enjoy it (for now? that can change so fast). I appreciate the fact that I can walk to work in the morning, have enough to do to keep me busy all day, and get to delve into new avenues of communication.

The weekend flew by as usual. Thanks for the coffee/cake/talk B.