Friday, May 19, 2006

The Evolution of Gender Roles and Other Stuff

Over the last 2 or 3 decades, the steadfast roles of mom and dad have undergone an unprecedented transformation. Dads are doing more – a lot more, but so are working moms.

In fact, with both parents working, and 2.5 kids in daycare, and maintaining the home and eating and sleeping, I often wonder what quality of life most people are experiencing.

Where is the real value in that lifestyle?

I know I am lucky. I am truly lucky to be with a man who doesn’t prescribe to the stereotypical idea of ‘the man of the house’. A man who, for instance, gets dinner ready the night before so that he can spend the day focusing on Evelyn, rather than the never-ending lists of things to do around the house.

Where the hell am I going with this?

We’ve chosen a different way. We’ve released ourselves from society’s insatiable desire to consume consume consume. We’ve made decisions that put our family first and give us time to live our lives.

In the end, will it matter that we didn’t have a 50” HD Flat Panel LCD TV in our rec room so I could sit inside on my ass night after night and watch TV? Doubtful.

In the end, will it matter that we chose for me to return to work (as the higher wage earner) and Cory to stay home with Evelyn so that we actually raise our child ourselves and spent meaningful, character building, time together? I’m sure of it.

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