Friday, June 02, 2006

My arachnophobia reaches an all time high

As if my experience with the 'return of the 5 legged beast' last week wasn't traumatic enough...

After work today, I was getting into my car with my coworker Adrian (to whom I was giving a ride). I plunk down in the driver's seat and put my keys in the ignition when I spy something that looks almost like, but more hideous than this:

So I freak and jump out of the car and leave Adrian in there to try and kill it. He finally finds a pair of gloves to squish it with and it JUMPS at him. IT JUMPS, and we lose it.

Now I am literally afraid to get into my car. We have Black Widows and Brown Recluse spiders in Ontario. What if it is poisonous? What if my house is infested with poisonous spiders?

I'm not exactly sure where my fear came from - lots of people don't like spiders, but to fear them, to the degree that I do (I still have goosebumps from my most recent experience) is another story.

I have one memory of being camping with my family in Northern Ontario and waking up in the tent and seeing a huge black spider in the corner and my parents telling me to just close my eyes and go back to sleep - but who knows, no one will substantiate my story, perhaps it was just a nightmare.

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