Friday, February 09, 2007

PLEASE tell me this isn't true....

If the reports that Karla Homolka has given birth to a child are in fact true, I am utterly angered and disgusted for the reasons that follow:

1. I'm not convinced that sexual deviants and murderers of a malicious nature can be reformed.
2. What type of man would hook up with, and father a child with a convicted sexual slayer? What implications does this have on both parent's character and mental health?
3. What about the health and welfare of the child?
4. Even if, by the grace of a higher power, Carla is reformed, that child will have to carry the burden of her past for it's entire life. Let's be realistic. Some things people do not forget.

*insert a series of words starting with the letter 'f' and ending with an exasperated shriek of disbelief*

The torture and death of both Leslie Mahoffy and Kristen French had a large impact on me being that I was born and raised about an hour and a half outside of St. Catherines, and was myself, a teenager at the time of their death. As a matter of fact, I remember being in the station wagon of my friend Tania's parents listening to 102.1 when it was annouced that they had found the body of Kristen French.

They played Forever Young, by Alphaville, in her memory.


Jennifer said...

This is the first I heard of Karla having a baby. The thought of it is very disturbing. I can relate to your frustration and anger over this. And to think of all the young, deserving women who would make wonderful mothers and are unable to become pregnant. Life is a real mystery sometimes....

The Daily Chai said...

I heard about this too and I am outraged that she is able to carry on a relatively normal life when the families of her victims will never have grandchildren directly because of her actions. I too was around the same age as Kristen and Leslie when they were killed and have always felt a shadow of the pain that their families must feel. Imagine what they must be feeling now. When Karla was released, I'd hoped that someone would assassinate her because THAT would be justice, not her finding love and becoming pregnant. I agree with Jennifer, why are so many good people unable to conceive and a monster like Karla gets to have babies and become a mother? Her victims will never have that joy. Her own sister will not have the joy. This news disgusts me....I find it hard to write about this because it makes me so angry.

Anonymous said...

I think I'm going to be sick. I just... wow.

I believe people can reform (I think I maybe need to), but I don't see any evidence to believe that that that HUMAN should be remotely happy or forgiven.

Or that she should have what so many want and cannot have.

Anya_5 said...

I know - I hate to be so cynical, but I can't help myself in this case. HOW ABSOLUTELY INSULTING to the families of her victims.